Business done, one-on-one
Presented by AFFI | February 22‑25, 2025 |  Dallas

Set Your APpointments

Schedule your business meetings schedule with ease.

At AFFI-CON you can do an entire year of business in just four days, if you book your business meetings in advance. For convenience, AFFI-CON attendees should utilize the meeting scheduling platform when requesting and scheduling meetings. The link to access the platform is provided in your registration confirmation email.

The meeting scheduling platform allows all AFFI-CON attendees to: 

  • View their calendar for the event with an easy toggle to show times based on their device’s location or in the Pacific Standard Time zone that the event is being hosted in
  • Block off time when they will not be accepting business meeting requests during the event
  • Request appointments with attendees they already know quickly with a search by name, email, company or title
  • Search the attendee directory inside the system using robust filters like attendee type, core frozen product, food format, and food safety specifications

Event Technology Tutorials

The short tutorial videos below walk attendees through key features of the system. We recommend that all attendees view these tutorials so they know how to build their schedule quickly and efficiently.

Appointments Setting System Tips and Tricks

  • Your appointment scheduling link is unique to you and when you first access the system we recommend you bookmark the page in your browser for easy future access. 
  • When searching the directory, you will not see your own name listed but other attendees can see and search for you. 
  • If you experience any errors accessing the system in your web browser, we recommend clearing your cookies or accessing the system in a private window. 
  • Make sure to add a meeting location to your request. This is done via the 2 required host questions at the bottom of the request form. Once you answer both of these required questions, please make sure you click on the name of the attendee you are inviting so that a blue check mark appears to the right of their name. This will allow them to see the location you have entered and your email address.  You can also include the location of the meeting in the ‘Description’ field.
  • Only a meeting host can add attendees or update other meeting information. If you get a request and wish to move the meeting to your suite or meeting room or add other attendees from your company please email the host directly so they can make the needed changes. 
  • Registered attendees who have a question or an issue not addressed in the tutorials can email for more personalized assistance or can schedule time with an AFFI staff member directly
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