Business done, one-on-one
Presented by AFFI | February 22‑25, 2025 |  Dallas
Use the search feature to find a company:
Company Room
Agrana Cumberland C
Alex Ingredients Reunion Ballroom C
Altex Suite 322
American Beverage Marketers Suite 321
American Packaging Corporation Baker
Americold Pegausus A
ArdoVLM Suite 1918
Arlusa Reunion Ballroom B
Ascent Foods Suite 521
BD+K Foods - Chairmans Foods Moreno A
Berry Brokers International, LLC Suite 817
Bleuets Mistasini Ltee. Cumberland B
Bonduelle - Purchasing Cumberland E
Bonduelle Sales Skyline Tower - Suite 381
Brecon Foods Suite 504
California Splendor Skyline Tower - Suite 981
Camerican Skyline Tower - Suite 396
Cherry Central Cumberland A
Columbia Fruit Cockrell
Comfrut Suite 722
Conagra Brands Bryan Beeman AB
Congelados La Hacienda Suite 2728
Del Carmen Foods, Inc. Suite 304
Del Mar Foods Suite 718
Dole Skyline Tower - Suite 1081
Dole Suite 2621
Ebrofrost North America Suite 418
Emblem Cranberry Reunion Ballroom E - 2/19-2/21 Cumberland F - 2/22
Encore Fruit Marketing Suite 622
Export Packers Co., Ltd. Suite 1718
FGI Universal Cumberland J
Firestone Pacific Foods Sanger A
Flagship Food Group Suite 422
Food Service Systems, LLC Suite 421
Fruticola Olmue Spa Suite 904
Garlock Printing & Converting Cumberland C
Global Food Exchange Suite 1117
Global Partners Suite 404
Hanline Frozen Reunion Ballroom E
Harris Hollow Foods Suite 917
Harvest Food Group Suite 1017
Harvest Food Group Suite 1018
IngredienTrade Inc. Suite 922
Inn Foods Skyline Tower - Suite 581
Interamerican Quality Foods Suite 621
J.G. Boswell Suite 804
Jain Farm Fresh Sanger B
Just Quality International Inc. Suite 2018
KH International Skyline Tower - Suite 393
Lamb Weston Skyline Tower - Suite 481
Lamex Agrifoods The Central
Lineage Logistics Suite 518
Maberry & Maberry Berry Associates Suite 704
Meel Corp. Suite 1518
Milne Fruit Products, Inc. Suite 2218
National Cortina Shawnee Trail B
Natural Food Source Kessler
Natural Food Source Gaston A
Nature's Touch Frozen Foods Inc. Skyline Tower - Suite 781
Naturipe Foods Suite 618
Nestle Gaston B
New Alasko L.P. Pegausus B
Nichirei Cumberland F - 2/19-2/20 Bryan Beeman A - 2/21-2/22
Northwest Naturals Skyline Tower - Suite 881
One Frozen LLC Suite 1418
Oregon Potato Co. Suite 2628
Oregon Potato Company McMillan
P.J. Impex Suite 821
Palmetto Processing Solutions (div. of Titan Farms, LLC) Aerial Queen
Paradise/Mercantum Suite 522
Paris Foods Reverchon B
Patagonia Foods Moreno B
Peterson Farms Reunion Ballroom E
Purkel Reunion Ballroom E
Quebec Wild Blueberries Reverchon A
Rainsweet Shawnee Trail A
Reddy Raw Skyline Tower - Suite 1581
Reliance Foods International, Inc. Suite 1118
Restaurant Depot Skyline Tower - Suite 1481
Rite Stuff Foods Skyline Tower - Suite 681
Royal Ridge Fruits Suite 317
San Joaquin Brokerage Suite 721
Simplot Skyline Tower - Suite 388
Simplot Skyline Tower - Suite 385
Smith Frozen Foods Suite 1818
SunLeaf Foods/C.H. Belt Skyline Tower - Suite 1181
SunOpta Cumberland K
Superior Foods Dallas Belt
Superior Foods Suite 417
Superior Foods International Suite 318
Superior Foods International Suite 2622
SupHerb Farms Suite 2118
SVZ Windsor
Tecnopool Reunion Ballroom E
The J.M. Smucker Company Suite 517
The Pictsweet Company Suite 2666
Titan Frozen Fruit Skyline Tower - Suite 1281
Titan Frozen Fruit Suite 1218
Toteco Packaging Pryor Crockett
Tradin Organic Suite 604
Uren Food Group Cumberland H
Van Drunen Farms Cumberland I
Virto Group Reunion Ballroom E
Virto Group Cumberland F
Wawona Suite 2766
Wymans Suite 617

Please contact AFFI’s Coordinator of Conferences, Cassy Dafin at for more information.

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