Succession Planning & Developing Your Next-Generation Leaders

Leadership development and succession planning in particular, may be the most important aspect of creating a sustainable legacy business for generations to come. No matter how much money or time we invest in upgrading our aging systems, standardizing our business operations, or even extending our customer reach, we put our companies at great risk if we don’t build a healthy pipeline of leaders capable of advancing to the next level and leading our organizations into the future. This is especially true for AFFI’s family-owned businesses, where many of those Next-Generation leaders eagerly awaiting their chances to step up don’t currently possess the tools and skills they need to succeed in higher-level positions. In this webinar, we will review key strategies for developing your next generation of business leaders and mentoring them to develop the capabilities required to assume greater responsibilities. We will also discuss AFFI’s LIVE Leadership Forum that enables leaders like you – and your NextGen successors – to address your greatest leadership challenges and deliver even better business results.
Dr. Jeremy Lurey, President & CEO, CHIEFEXECcoach