Using Molecular Tools To Advance Your Operations

New molecular technologies like next generation sequencing (NGS) are moving from government and academic research labs to more practical applications that can be used by the frozen food industry to advance food safety. One example is rapid strain tracking technologies that can be used to differentiate strains of environmental contaminants. These molecular typing tools enable users to more routinely identify or characterize strains that are embedded within a facility (persistent strains) from those that are moving in and out (transient strains). This webinar will provide an overview of molecular technologies (old and new) and share applications and examples of how these tools can make problem solving faster and more effective.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand Next Generation Sequencing, how it works and how it can be applied in different ways to solve problems.
2. Learn about new molecular technologies that can rapidly differentiate strains of environmental contaminants to enhance environmental monitoring programs.
Dr. Angela Nguyen Nuyen, Molecular Research Project Manager, Mérieux NutriSciences
Dr. Sarita Raengpradub Wheeler, Director – Microbiology R&D, Mérieux NutriSciences