Resources To Help Be an Advocate for the Frozen Food Industry

Do you want to talk about the many benefits of frozen food? Check out AFFI’s virtual toolkits and resources to discuss the frozen advantage.

Frozen food has many benefits. It offers a variety of nutritious and delicious meal options, is convenient to prepare and reduces food waste. As the voice for the frozen food industry, the American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) provides many ways for companies to elevate the advantages of frozen food and communicate with policymakers, media and your consumers.

Why Use Social Media Toolkits?

Social media provides a powerful opportunity to bring awareness and share the benefits about the attributes of frozen foods. While AFFI remains active and engages on Twitter and LinkedIn, the entire industry can communicate together about the benefits of frozen food to reach a much broader audience. There are an estimated 302 million Americans currently active on social media! Additionally, more than half of the U.S. turns to digital platforms such as social media for news and information. Social media platforms are an excellent way to widely communicate about the positive attributes of frozen food and share industry benefits.

Toolkits Available

  • Frozen Food Month

March is Frozen Food Month and a special opportunity to highlight the many ways that frozen food make our lives better! Visit the AFFI Frozen Food Month toolkit to download high quality photos and compelling content about frozen food. All you need to do is copy and paste the pre-written materials into your Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn feed.

  • Frozen Advantage

AFFI has created a special Frozen Advantage toolkit that provides an entire library of facts about the benefits of frozen food across multiple categories including nutrition, variety, sustainability and farm-to-freezer freshness. Users can easily sort by topic to find Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn imagery and text that they can use.

  • Sustainability

Frozen food is a sustainable meal solution. Whether you are preparing for Earth Day in April 22 or want to share year-round the many ways frozen food supports sustainability, the Sustainability toolkit is a go-to resource. This toolkit includes downloadable graphic templates that you can repurpose for your organization, as well as suggested hashtags and tips to maximize digital reach.

Visit the Frozen Advantage Website

AFFI maintains a digital property completely dedicated to sharing the benefits of frozen food, available at Visit the Frozen Advantage website now to find useful materials such as:

  • Infographics

Downloadable infographics that provide easy-to-digest information about how frozen food helps reduce mealtime stress, supports nutritious and affordable meal options, reduces food waste, and contributes to the national economy.

  • Frozen 101 FAQs

The Frozen Advantage website breaks down some of the frequently asked questions about frozen food, so you can help understand and communicate the frozen advantage.

  • Frozen Food Facts

We help bust some of the common and persistent myths about frozen foods on the Frozen Advantage website. For example, the website shares why frozen food is often as nutritious as fresh and how the freezing process naturally preserves food.

AFFI Is Committed to Advocating for the Industry

AFFI is committed to delivering resources that help the frozen food and beverage industry succeed. We do this in several ways, including mounting extensive communications and advocacy efforts. In addition, we provide business intelligence, including data analytics, information about trends, industry innovations, forecasts, and opportunities, enabling data-driven decisions to help you plan for growth.

AFFI members have access to monthly Retail Market Insight reports and the Power of Frozen series, providing them with business intelligence to help identify opportunities and risks using key performance metrics, such as sales trends. In addition, Business Insights opens the door to data that can help determine how to seize opportunities, improve fulfillment processes, mitigate risks, and gain a competitive edge.

Become a member today and enjoy AFFI’s vast member benefits.

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Media Inquiries

For all media inquiries, please contact:
Mary Emma Young
Vice President of Communications

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