AFFI members share a commitment to transparently communicating information about the nutritional profile of the foods they produce and sell. Our member companies proudly produce some of the safest and most nutritious food in the world and strive to provide consumers with accurate information that allows them to make informed choices about the food they eat.
Current Key Issues
Front-of-Pack Labeling: We support helping consumers identify healthful products and encourage the U.S. Food & Drug Administration to carefully test different labeling schemes and ensure any changes to labeling help consumers implement the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Label changes are expensive to implement and we support meaningful changes that are implemented at once rather than repeated changes over time. We also support one set of federal labeling requirements rather than a patchwork quilt of different state requirements that are costly and cumbersome to implement.
“Healthy” Claims: We believe that any updated definition of “healthy” should recognize, consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the wide range of foods that can appropriately be included within a healthy dietary pattern. We also believe that the “healthy” definition should reflect the importance under federal dietary guidance of encouraging small shifts and meeting people where they are, in order to achieve its public health goal of encouraging consumers to eat more healthful or “better for you” foods.
Exclusive Member Resource:
Stay on Top of Your Labeling Requirements with Member-Only Regulatory Toolkit
Advocacy Topics
Food Safety
AFFI is committed to advancing food safety throughout the frozen supply chain and advocating for science-based regulations.
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Food and Nutrition Access
We actively advocate across a diverse spectrum of food nutrition issues, including federal programs and services designed to provide families, mothers, infants and school children with access to affordable and nutritious food options.
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Transparency in Labeling
AFFI members share a commitment to transparently communicating information about the nutritional profile of the foods they produce and sell.
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