Power of Frozen in Food Services
This report examines the frozen food landscape in foodservice to uncover operator attitudes, perceptions and opportunities for our industry. Most importantly, it identifies how frozen food manufacturers and distributors can most effectively meet operator needs to strengthen demand for frozen food in foodservice.

Power of Frozen in Retail
The Power of Frozen is a new research report by the American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI), in partnership with the Food Marketing Institute (FMI), that examines the consumption, purchase drivers and use of frozen foods. These research findings, along with actual sales and consumption data, provide a comprehensive 360-degree view of frozen food to equip frozen food manufacturers and their retail partners with opportunities for continued growth.
Power of Frozen in Retail
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Webinar Slide Deck PDF: COVID-19 Employer Liability for Frozen Food Manufacturers
COVID-19 Webinar by Hogan Lovells PDF Slide Deck: COVID-19 Employer Liabilities for Frozen Food Companies